Thursday, March 31, 2016

Steele Creek Bound -- First Youtube Vlog

Adventures With a Family Behind (handle)Bars

I feel as if my first post should be a clarification of sorts.  My blog title might be a little misleading -- we are not in prison or in jail or even in trouble with the law.  It is completely a play on words and sums up the humor of our family perfectly.  

We are a family dirtbike racing team comprised of husband, Kenneth, wife, Crystal, son, Noah (16) and Hannah (15) who have crazy adventures, not just at the race track, but in this journey through life.  We have ADHD (all of us-- my dad says even the dogs are ADHD) and that it is contagious in our house.  

Our house is usually a mess and I have learned to deal with it to some extent.  I realize most people only dream of having the opportunity to spend as much time with their kids and I should embrace it.  Time passes way too quickly and this time in our life will be gone in a flash, so I have learned to embrace the chaos and enjoy the moments more.  

I will introduce each member in more detail in later posts, but for right now I put together a short video to introduce us to the blogging world.  Hope you enjoy.